Tag: New Zealand

Early Railway Picture Postcards of New Zealand

Early Railway Picture Postcards of New Zealand

This is an exhibit of Early New Zealand Railway Postcards which is being shown for the first time in Perth Stamp Show 2023. The postcards are mainly from the first two decades of the 20th Century.

The New Zealand Railways were an essential mode of transport for  a developing nation. There were a number of problems associated with this in that the railway had to traverse the King Country which the Māori King Movement had been banished from the Waikato, and agreement had to be sought from the Māori people to build the railway. Also, the terrain was very difficult, and a number of world-class engineering problems had to be solved, including building the Raurimu Spiral, several large viaducts through the Central Plateau, and building the Rimutaka Incline.


Jakarta 2024 FIAP International Exhibition, 5 frames, Vermeil 80 points

Perth 2023 National Stamp Exhibition, 5 frames, Vermeil 79 points

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The First New Zealand Pictorial Issue 1898

The First New Zealand Pictorial Issue 1898


This beautiful set of stamps were New Zealand’s first Pictorial Issue, issued in 1898, with the Boer War Issue in 1900.

Design Competition

At a Cabinet meeting held December 28th 1894, it was decided to have a new issue of stamps, and the Secretary to the General Post Office was instructed to draft a circular calling for competitive designs, and offering prizes for those selected. The first draft of the circular (Jan 30th 1895) stated that Preferences will be given to the representation of the Queen’s head, or a scene characteristic of New Zealand”. This was subsequently altered 20th March 1895, when any mention of the Queen’s head was omitted. In response to the request 2400 designs were submitted, anomalously with a pseudonym; the identity was sealed in an envelope with the pseudonym written on the outside. These drawings ranged from the crudest of drawings to the finished product.

The items shown here are courtesy of the Royal Philatelic Society of New Zealand from their reference collection.


NZ2020 National Stamp Exhibition, Auckland: 85 Points, Gold

Macao 2018 FIAP Exhibition: Large Vermeil

Praga 2018 World Stamp Exhibition: Large Vermeil

Melbourne 2017 FIAP International Exhibition, Large Vermeil

Brasilia 2017 World Stamp Exhibition: Large Vermeil

Royalpex 2017: 83 Points, Large Vermeil

Christchurch 2016 Stamp & Postcard Exhibition: 90 Points, Large Gold

Christchurch 2016 Stamp & Postcard Exhibition: 90 Points, Large Gold

Scans will be uploaded shortly

New Zealand’s Stamp First Issue, The Full Face Queens

New Zealand’s Stamp First Issue, The Full Face Queens


This is my first truly Traditional Exhibit. I have dismantled this exhibit so that I can concentrate of the New Zealand 1898 Pictorial issue.


Canberra Stampshow 2018; 84 Points, Large Vermeil

Thailand 2016 FIAP Exhibition: 87 Points, Large Vemeil

Mandurah 2016 Fair: 88 Points, Gold

Baypex 2014; Vermeil

Upper Hutt 2013: 77 Points, Vermeil

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Frame 5

Methods of Officially Sealing Mail in New Zealand

Methods of Officially Sealing Mail in New Zealand


This is a new exhibit. It follows the work that I have done with Dr Allan Craig in categorizing and publishing the various forms of Officially Sealing that has been done over the years. To date, there have been 5 articles published in “The New Zealand Stamp Collector” with 2 or 3 more to come.

This exhibit shows the different methods over the years of the New Zealand Post Office and New Zealand Post of Officially Sealing correspondence that has bee not sealed correctly, has been opened for “Return to Sender” or has been damaged in the post for whatever reason. It also shows the different methods and types of Censor labels, and Compulsorily Registered labels.


  • A S Craig, L G Chitty; The New Zealand Stamp Collector, Vol 97, No. 1, 2017; “Post Office “Found Open – Officially Sealed” Labels Part 1 – 1882 – 1897 Labels Types 1 &  2.
  • A S Craig, L G Chitty; The New Zealand Stamp Collector, Vol 97, No. 2, 2017; “Post Office “Found Open – Officially Sealed” Labels Part 2 – 1897 – 1904  Type 3 Labels
  • A S Craig, L G Chitty; The New Zealand Stamp Collector, Vol 97, No. 4, 2017; “Post Office “Found Open – Officially Sealed” Labels Part 3; 1903 – 1920 Types 4, 5 and 6 Labels.
  • A S Craig, L G Chitty; The New Zealand Stamp Collector, Vol 99, No. 1, 2019; “Post Office “Found Open – Officially Sealed” Labels Part 4; 1928 – 1963 Type 7 Labels.
  • A S Craig, L G Chitty; The New Zealand Stamp Collector, Vol 99, No. 4, 2019; “Post Office “Found Open – Officially Sealed” Labels Part 5; 1953 – 1966 Type 8 & 9 Labels.
  • L G Chitty, A S Craig; The New Zealand Stamp Collector, Vol 101, No. 3, “New Zealand Post Office and New Zealand Post “OFFICIALLY SEALED” Tapes (Part 6).


The Armistice Stamp Show Dunedin 2018: 83 Points, Large Vermeil

2018 Newcastle Stamp & Coin Expo; 83 Points, Large Vermeil

Taipei 2023 International Stamp Exhibition, 86 Points, Large Vermeil

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Frame 5

Postal Use of the New Zealand Boer War Stamp

Postal Use of the New Zealand Boer War Stamp


This issue was specifically issued for posting newspapers from New Zealand to South Africa, at the time of the Boer War. There are no recorded examples of the use of this stamp on a newspaper. Anyone aware of an example of this use, please contact me!

Exhibition Results

Singpex 2019: 88 Points, Large Vermeil

SAVPEX 2018 Virtual One Frame Philatelic Exhibition; 83 Points

Adelaide Stampex 2017: 93 Points, Large Gold, Best in show One Frame Exhibit





This has been my first effort in putting together an Open Class Exhibit. I must acknowledge the help that I have received with this from Jenny Banfield in particular. It has been her passion for the Open Class which has helped me with the development of this exhibit to the level it has reached.


Sydney Stamp & Coin Expo 2019: 91 Points, Large Gold

Canberra Stamp Show 2016: 88 Points, Gold (Best Exhibit in Open Class)

Australia 2013 FIP: 81 Points, Vermeil

Blenpex 2012: 90 Points, Large Gold

PSWA 2012 Centennial Exhibition (Claremont): 81 Points, Large Vermeil

Christchurch Centennial Stamp & Postcard Exhibition 2012: Gold

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